Earic Miller and Lisa Shrimpke joined Liz Ardcuckoo and I, and we were coerced into a vain attempt at relocating the Yellow-breasted Chat Liz had found months ago. We did not succeed, but Earic heard a Winter Wren and we got to see it. It was a year bird for me so a nice get.
After much debate, and Liz bidding us adieu, the three of us set off to Patchogue to try for the spurious Tufted Duck. What kind of maniacal quackster frequents a pond on alternating days? Once again, we, and yes I, was skunked. Perhaps the terminology should be updated to: “I was tufted”?
Tuesday night I picked up a new car, perhaps long overdue. Thursday was a major snowstorm after Wednesday’s inexplicable 65 degree weather. Over a foot of snow meant shoveling and household chores I prefer to postpone instead of a ride in my new wheels. Or did it.
Late in the afternoon I heard through the grapevine that a Yellow-headed Blackbird had been seen at a feeder in Nassau county! It was discovered because the home owners took a picture and being unable to ID it, posted it on Facebook. I made an effort to secure permission to visit despite the snow, but by the time I heard back it was too late in the day top arrive before sunset.
I did go there the next day before work and met Mike Zino’s Petrel and Pat Pallas Reed Bunting. There was a flock of 50+/- Grackles circling the area, but no definitive sightings. One bird Mike and I both saw had white flashes in the wings that we saw as the flock flew over head, but time ran out for me and I had to depart.
The weekend arrived and I was still not feeling a trip to New Jersey. I wasn't feeling like I was ready to travel long distances anywhere. Though after some musing, I met Arlene Rails and we decided to give the very Tuff ted Duck another try. We scanned this 'popular with the quacking crowd' pond for some time without the desired result.
And then I got a text from Pelican. It read: “So are you chasing the Guillemot, or the Great Gray Owl?” WTF?!?! I checked the intertubes and saw a report of a Black Guillemot in Montauk harbor. I coyly asked Arlene “Would that be a life bird?” she smiled and said yes, and said “lets go!”
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Great Gray Owl |
The inlet was devoid of much save three Common Loons. The end of the west jetty had two SandPurples, while the east jetty had three Great Cormorants. I turned my attention to the back of the harbor, and there by the coast guard’s patrol boat was the bird! I ran over to get Arlene and she got an ‘insurance’ view of this lifer.
I suggested that we relocate to get a better look at the Coasties. As we pulled in, I saw Bobby Sanderlingi pulling out, having tried to relocate the bird himself. I told him it was hidden behind the patrol boat, and we all went over to get a closer and better look. Nice find Bobby!
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Black Guillemot |
After the ensuing conversation, we contemplated a run. The caveat was that it would have to be an overnighter. I did not want to push a run for this bird, and did not think Arlene would want to do it. Unexpectedly she was enthusiastic and the wheels started turning.
As time passed and things progressed, we were en route home when we decided to go for it. Part of my rationalization was spending the night [ because 400+ miles each way was a stretch even for me ] ~and~ the birds we could get in the Adirondacks on the way back. We had missed Evening Grosbeak on the Ross’s Gull twitch, and it stung being so close to where they were and blowing it.
We contacted Earic again, and relayed our plans to leave in a few hours. Thing was he was still in PA! This was a deal breaker for us, and it greatly disappointed him. We carried on, secured a room, and did logistical mapping etc,. Importantly we prepped and psyched ourselves for an epic journey.
Hours later on the thruway several counties away from home, the phone rang. It was Earic again. His question: if he got a ride up there could he get a ride back with us. Seems he had talked Shrimpke into going, but she had decided to extend her trip into Canada for other Owls that were around. A ride back? This was fine by us.
We had an uneventful expeditious trip up the thruway to the exit for Lake Placid, and then had to deal with the smaller roads, speed restrictions through towns, and murderous lake monsters trying to hitch a ride.
A stop in Saranac for fuel and leg stretching was amusing for observing the winter festival’s ice castle and ice moose. The conversation with the clerk while she was making me an root beer float ( hey, it has the word ‘beer’ in it, and its Stewarts ) was a modicum of disheartening though, when she said she used to live in Massena and how far and how long we still had to go...
But we pressed on in the teen degree temps and eventually reached our lodging. Ahhh. Finally! Thing was, the clerk on duty seemed to be more fatigued than I was if that was possible. Took way to long to simply acknowledge my presence. He inquired nothing of me, simply came out of his office in response to my ringing the bell. He went straight to the computer, never looked my way, and after a lot of clicking around, eventually reached over to a sheet of paper on the counter which was my reservation. He placed it on the counter and asked for my ID. After inspecting it he handed me the keys, pointed to where I would find our room, and said good night. All without making any eye contact. Odd and somewhat creepy.
Arlene bless her heart and several other internal organs ( but not her spleen. Definitely NOT her spleen ) saw fit to bring some beer. In our rush to get to the room we left some things in the car, but when I found out that was one of the items I had to rescue them! 10 degrees will make them explode, and while you shouldn’t cry over spilled milk, beer? No way!
She brought some delicious Cappuchino Stouts that Mike Zino’s Petrel hates for some reason. It was the perfect way to unwind from the long ride. Thanks Leanie :)
The next day we awoke in no particular rush much to her delight. We took our time getting ready for the day’s adventure, and ate breakfast at our leisure. An atypical start to a birding day!
By 8:30 we headed off to the frustratingly named Robert Moses State Park. Why you ask? Because there is a Robert Moses State Park here on Long Island. Really? They couldn’t come up with another name or a differentiating modification? How about “Bobby Mo State Park?”
We appeared to be among the first there, and we drove the roads slowly hoping to find the majestic creatures. We had flocks of Robins, but not a whole lot of bird activity. Eventually more and more cars arrived, and they were all birders except for the a state trooper.
Checking in with Earic, I learned that they were still a short distance away and that Laura Corella had joined him and Shrimpke on the trip. They left at midnight Saturday, instead of earlier as we had done, hoping to arrive by around the time we would get to the park. Laura texted me asking if she could get a ride back. I said yes of course, and asked how then would Earic get back?
They finally arrived, and we crossed paths. We as well as others were cruising the area hoping to find at least one of the two birds. Eventually we saw some folks stopped by the side of the road. We inquired of them, and were told this was the area they were located the day before. We decided to give waiting here a try too.
After a while, another person stopped along the road, but he got out and was carrying a camera and started pointing it at something. I started the engine and drove up. There on top of a broken tree was a superbly gorgeous Owl. There was much rejoicing! A splendid only second ever sighting for me, and a lifer for Leanie!
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Great Gray Owl |
There were two reasons for our hasty departure. One, was it was a long ride home any way you slice it. Two, lucky us - they were predicting a major snow storm, that they named Orson. Yay. We hit the road for Tupper Lake as the first flakes fell.
The roads progressively worsened, but we made it to Tupper Lake in okay time. Passing the factory with the large smoke stack, we didn’t even have to slow down to see the reliable Northern shrike that was perched on his favorite tree. And we didn’t stop because we were on our way to try for the blasted Evening Grosbeaks we missed the last time around.
We went to the incongruous house: the one with the bird feeders and confederate flag ( Yay! We lost!? ) and pulled over to observe the desolate feeders in the falling snow. It was some time before a few birds flew in; Leanie was the one to see the Goldfinches that alighted upon the far feeder.
Studying them I was elated to spot a Pine Siskin with them and blurted out SISKIN! They have been scarce so far this season, so it was a gratifying year bird get. But sitting there for a while longer we were still without our target.
I for one had to use a restroom ( and yes, its okay if I need to ) so we all decided to take a break from the stake-out and utilize the nearby McDonalds. We then headed back to the feeders and as I drove up I saw a bird and YES! It was a lone Evening Grosbeak!! Hey one Siskin and one Grosbeak, I’ll take it!
Satisfied, we continued on our way, not having room to dawdle. Our next stop was not too far away at the feeders on Sabbatis Circle road where the Gray Jays were more than accommodating. There were lots of Chickadees too, though nary a Boreal Chickadee. Other birds were Blue Jay, Hairy Woodpecker, and Redhatch.
The snow relentlessly falling, we delayed the inevitable no longer and hit the road home in earnest. It was slow going all through the rest of the ‘dacks, with not much improvement once on the thruway. As I predicted, once we were below Albany the roads were clear, but then another road hazard was present.
The road is only two lanes, and some folks like to travel in the left lane. Too many of the bastards don’t want to relinquish it and allow you to pass! Flash your headlights? They’ll just ignore you, and most of them had NJ license plates. Just another "nice" thing to say and think about Joisey.
Despite the road constipation, we made it home in good time and thankfully not too late. I hit the pillow like a sack of potatoes. Nice! And to think, what are the odds of two recent trips to Montauk on a Saturday were followed by an epic journey upstate? This brings my NYS year list to 157 and my NYS life list to to 415 :)Not every birding trip is an epic journey, but this one sure was!